Forwarding Companies

Data-driven guide for freight hiring decisions. We help you find the perfect partner for your next shipment in minutes. – World\'s Largest Freight Directory – World\'s Largest Freight Directory

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Description is a comprehensive directory designed to simplify the process of finding the perfect freight forwarding services across the globe. Established in 2017, the platform has been diligently expanding its reach and now boasts a network that includes freight and logistics companies from over 150 countries and regions.

Features and Functions

  • Extensive Global Coverage: The directory covers a wide range of countries, providing users with access to a diverse selection of freight forwarding options.
  • Support During Global Challenges: In times of unprecedented challenges to global forwarding, such as border closures and lockdowns, the directory serves as a crucial resource for businesses seeking reliable logistics services.
  • Growth and Sustainability: The platform aims to fuel the growth and sustainability of the freight forwarding industry by offering companies exposure and generating valuable leads and business opportunities.
  • Digitalization Focus: is committed to the digital transformation of the freight forwarding industry, enhancing competitiveness, visibility, and control over supply chain costs.
  • Educational Newsletter: Subscribers receive an educational newsletter designed to keep them informed and up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices.

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