Face Liveness Detection SDK
Language learning
Face Liveness Detection SDK
Face Liveness Detection SDK

This SDK is a powerful 3D passive liveness detection solution that accurately detects presentation attacks, including printed photos, cutout masks, digital and video replay attacks, and 3D masks.

KBY AI Products Overview

KBY AI Products Overview

Welcome to KBY AI\'s product page, where we provide cutting-edge solutions for ID document recognition and verification processes.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

KBY AI offers a suite of SDKs designed to streamline the process of ID document recognition, enhancing security and efficiency in various applications.

2. Detailed Features

  • Automatic data extraction from ID documents
  • Support for over 200 countries\' ID documents
  • Multi-platform compatibility (Android, iOS, Flutter, Docker, Server)
  • Regular updates for new document types
  • Versatile use in e-KYC verification processes

3. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What types of ID documents does the SDK support?

The SDK supports a wide range of ID documents from over 200 countries, including ID cards, passports, and driver\'s licenses.

Is there a limit to the number of documents I can process?

No, the SDK is designed to handle a high volume of documents, but specific limits may depend on your service plan.

How often is the SDK updated?

The SDK is regularly updated to support new types of ID documents and to improve its features.

4. Pricing and Service Details

Pricing details and service plans can be found on our official website or by contacting our sales team for a customized quote.

5. Tutorial Section

Step-by-step instructions on how to integrate and use our SDKs are available in our developer documentation.

6. Technical Details

Our SDKs utilize advanced algorithms for document recognition, ensuring high accuracy and security in data processing.

7. Support and Service Options

We offer 24/7 customer support and a comprehensive FAQ section to assist with any issues you may encounter.

8. API Usage Examples and Scenarios

API usage examples and potential scenarios are provided in our developer portal to help you get started quickly.

9. Application Scenarios

Our SDKs are used in various applications such as banking, immigration, and online marketplaces for secure identity verification.

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